Nintendo Switch Pokemon Stars; New Pokemon RPG Game

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New Pokemon RPG for Nintendo Switch

Who the hell is the gatau Pokemon? Pokemon game series is arguably already quite legendary in 20 years back. Just released Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon series on November 17, 2017 yesterday, Pokemon Company seems to have plans to release its newest game this time for the Nintendo Switch console that is currently crowded.
This news burst after the EBGame website appears a page to order the latest Pokemon game RPG genre that could be considered the first for the Nintendo Switch console after the last release for Nintenodo 3DS. This is in accordance with what has been predicted many people that the next Pokemon games will begin to be released to the Nintendo Switch console.

Still to be released sometime in 2019, many people have high expectations for this Pokemon game. Considering the console that they go can be quite qualified and quite different from previous consoles that they use. So it will be crucial how they can maximize the quality of their games with Nintendo Switch.
One Pokemon game that may be released this time is Pokemon Star which is the third series of two versions that already existed before. Just like Pokemon Emerald for Pokemon Ruby and Saphire and Pokemon Platinum for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Pokémon Sun and Moon should also get the third version.

Especially when viewed back at Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon still has many stories that can be continued again. Like the example of the formation of the Elite Four, the journey to Kanto, and the evil efforts of the Aether Foundation, which should be told more clearly. Surely this additional story can make the gameplay will be more interesting again.