Shooter Games PC; Overwatch Developers Prepare a New FPS Game!

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Blizzard Entertainment, the developer behind the phenomenal Overwatch game, is reportedly equipped with the latest FPS (First Person Shooter) game. Information revealed from recent vacancies.
Jobs is looking for a candidate engineer. They want to find the figure of an engineer who can accommodate the vehicle and wake up.
"We are looking for ideal candidates who can use the best vehicles and systems," Blizzard wrote in the description of the vacancy.

Moreover, Blizzard did not reveal what type or title of the FPS game was being prepared. Perhaps, the game developers based in California, United States (US) is specifically preparing additional content for Overtwatch. To be sure, everything is still locked tight.
Overwatch is one of the best selling games in the world. With the FPS multiplayer genre, the game can be played on PS4, XBox One, and PC.

Incredible, this game until crowned into the most popular game in 2016. Just imagine, a new week, the game immediately skyrocketed with more than 7 million players.

Not just a success in the United States and Europe, this game was a success "poison" many gamers in Asia wrong in South Korea.

According to Gametrics reports, Overwatch has now topped the most games played by 30 percent of Internet cafe visitors in South Korea. While for the League of Legends itself trailing the second position with a range of 28 percent of internet cafe visitors playing games made this Riot Games.
For information, Blizzard Entertainment itself just held a mat called BlizzCon. This event displays a variety of information in the latest ecosystem game made by Blizzard.

One is the information about the Overwatch game. Developers from the United States announced a new skin price for the characters in the game. Will, this skin is only available at the beginning of next year.
Later, the entire skin will not be limited to limited-time loot box, sailors are also in base loot box. In addition, the developer also issued a brand-new character named Moira.
This character is a hybrid support that can heal itself with different styles than other characters. Something new in Overwatch is named BlizzardWorld.

As the name implies, this map is a playground with the theme of games made by Blizzard. In this map, you will see things that are familiar to Blizzard game players.
This map was tested during the BlizzCon event yesterday, but only available in the game in early 2018. While for public trials, this caplan will be present in the near future.